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  • ZSK Software minmizes downtime!

    ZSK Software minmizes downtime!

    Britta Sanders and Oliver Schipper from ZSK present this groundbreaking software function that minimizes downtime and eliminates operating errors. ZSK visited there partner SHIRTFUL, to show you how the ZSK Sprint 7 Max can revolutionize your production. Automatic color assignment...

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  • Discover the ZSK Shoe Frame with Britta!

    Discover the ZSK Shoe Frame with Britta!

    Discover the ZSK Shoe Frame with Britta! In this video, ZSK's expert Britta, showcases the innovative shoe frame for ZSK embroidery machines, designed to securely hold shoes in place for flawless embroidery results. Get inspired with creative embroidery ideas and...

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  • Is it Time for an Automatic? - SPSI Inc.

    Is it Time for an Automatic?

    Buying a new press is a huge investment and for some, it's just adding capacity to an existing print shop, where for others it’s a leap of faith into the unknown, often with finances promised but not guaranteed. Once the...

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  • Section 179 - Simplified from Geneva Capital

    Section 179 - Simplified from Geneva Capital

     Section 179 is a provision in the U.S. tax code that allows businesses to deduct the full cost of qualifying equipment, machinery, or software purchases in the year the items are purchased and placed into service, rather than depreciating them...

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  • Reducers - And When to Use Them

    Reducers - And When to Use Them

    Reducers lower the viscosity or thickness of an ink when you feel the need to make an ink creamier or easier to print. Most inks come ready for use right out of the container and rarely need to be adjusted....

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  • Feeding the Monster

    Feeding the Monster

    During 2020 - 21 those were some strange days both personally or financially. Through the difficult days it created an opportunity for me to run a printing press completely on my own and it made me think about the operation of...

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  • Heat can ruin your PET Film

    Heat can ruin your PET Film

    We know that throughout the printing process heat affects how the film peels.  Excessive heat reduces the ability to peel hot.  It has to do with the temperature threshold of the wax coating on these films. There have been a...

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